About the Journal

Focus and scope | Peer review | APC | IndexingJournal history


Focus and scope

AIB studi, formerly Bollettino AIB, is a journal that deals with the research in Library Science and analysis of facts and aims to develop theoretical reflection, methodological experimentation, and professional practices within the library's sphere, documentation, and information services.

With a four-monthly distribution (January, May, and September), AIB studi is the most popular Italian journal on library science, reaching the world's most important general and specialized libraries. It contains original articles, discussions and reports, relevant documents, writings of foreign scholars and librarians, reviews and recommendations, and a current bibliography of the Italian professional literature.

The journal is addressed to librarians of public, university, state, school, and special libraries, to documentalists, university teachers, managers and directors of state, regional and local administrations, and commercial operators of the sector (bookshops, publishers, software houses, consultancy and training companies, and other services, etc.).

Participation in AIB studi is free.

Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not those of AIB, the Italian library association.

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Peer review process


All articles published in Themes and analyses and Scientific and professional monitor are reviewed using a double-blind reviewing process.

The journal's editor-in-chief must ensure that submissions are reviewed by external specialists or members of the Editorial Board/International Advisory Board with knowledge of the subject area.

Three option are available to reviewers:

  • Accept
  • Revision required
  • Do not accept

Conformity between suggested and actual revisions is determined by the journal's editor in chief, assistant editor in chief, or the journal's editors.

All articles published in AIB studi other sections are carefully evaluated by the journal's editor-in-chief, assistant editor-in-chief, or the journal's editors.

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Article Processing Charge – APC

AIB studi does not charge the authors any processing and publication costs (article processing charge – APC).

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Indicizzazione in banche dati

AIB studi may be found in all primary international bibliographies and specialized databases: LISA (Library and information science abstracts), LISTA (Library, information science and technology abstracts) Library literature, the bibliography by VINITI of Moscow (formerly Informatics abstracts), Dokumentationsdienst Bibliothekswesen (DOBI) of Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut, the Bibliographic index.

AIB studi has been listed by ANVUR as an 'A category' journal (11/A1, 11/A2, 11/A3, 11/A4 sectors); is approved by the Scopus Content Selection and Advisory Board for being indexed in Scopus, and accepted for indexing in the Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). In 2021 AIB studi also obtained DOAJ Seal.

The journal is also indexed in the European reference index for the Humanities and Social sciences (ERIH Plus), and Dialnet.

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Journal history

The journal was founded in 1955 as "Notizie AIB. Bollettino dell'Associazione italiana biblioteche"; in 1961 it became "Bollettino d'informazioni. Associazione italiana biblioteche", which was maintained until 1991.

From 1992 to 2011 a new series has been named "Bollettino AIB. Rivista italiana di biblioteconomia e scienze dell'informazione" and has been supplied with an electronic version.

From 2012 the journal's title has been changed to "AIB studi. Rivista di biblioteconomia e scienze dell'informazione", which is an electronic open access journal.

The history of the journal is detailed also in the papers below:

Vilma Alberani; Paola De Castro; Elisabetta Poltronieri, Il «Bollettino» dell'Associazione italiana biblioteche dal 1961 al 1997: uno strumento di informazione, di formazione e di cooperazione, «Bollettino AIB», 39 (1999), n. 1-2, p. 9-38, <https://bollettino.aib.it/article/view/7363>.

Roberto Raieli, Volere è potere: AIB studi e il percorso verso l’open access, «AIB studi», 57 (2017), n. 3, p. 543-572, <http://aibstudi.aib.it/article/view/11705>.

Until issue 60 (2020), n. 3, the articles were published under the Creative Commons license "Attribution-Noncommercial-No derivative works" and authors transferred coypright to publisher. Following the AIB's Copyright statement changes, AIB studi adopted the Creative Commons "Attribution – ShareAlike" license that replaces the previous license also for already published articles. For the purposes of distribution and reuse of already published articles, unless otherwise noted, from 18th January 2021 CC-BY-SA license replaces the CC-BY-NC-ND license declared in the articles' PDF.
From issue 61 (2021), n. 1, Authors retain unrestricted copyright, granting to AIB studi the right of first publication.


Editorial teams

Editorial team 2022 | Editorial team 2021 | Editorial team 2020 | Editorial team 2019 | Editorial team 2018 | Editorial team 2017 | Editorial team 2016 | Editorial team 2015 | Editorial team 2014 | Editorial team 2013 | Editorial team 2012

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