Cultural is social




role of libraries, cultural heritage, social hub


The paper traces some professional choices that guided the management of Italian libraries over the last fifty years, focusing on the interpretation of their cultural role, also in relation to the progressive spreading of digital culture. Libraries, regardless of their functional typology, remain a constitutive part of Italy’s cultural heritage: it is therefore essential to find a synthesis between their nature of ‘cultural heritage’, their information function and their social function. In light of this common ground, it is therefore important to find a synthesis between libraries’ informative and social function. Today, libraries are in the most favorable position to weave relationships between people and institutions. Librarians can identify in this current context fertile ground to redefine their profession and place themselves at the service of an Italian civil and cultural revitalization. It is a question of giving libraries – intended as places of inclusiveness and gathering – a greater baggage of knowledge and culture to perform their widely recognized social role. By expanding their range of action, libraries remain social, cultural and information hubs capable of carrying out a renewed connective and participatory function.


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How to Cite

Crasta, M. (2021). Cultural is social. AIB Studi, 61(2), 347–358.



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