Giving a new voice to sources. Communicate humanistic research for all: a digitization project of the audio collection of the Bruno Kessler Foundation’s Library




digitalisation, digital humanities, sound archives


The digitization project Giving a new voice to sources. Communicate humanistic research for all aims to make available to the scientific community the audio archive of the Bruno Kessler Foundation’s Library, which preserves the recordings of the conference activities of the two humanistic research centers of the Foundation.
The project represents, at least in Italy, one of the first attempts to realize a virtual space devoted to audio archival sources researchable freely online to avoid the deterioration of a cultural heritage of extremely scientific relevance, leading to its conservation and availability.
The deterioration of the analogue media of the archival collection makes the digitization a matter of survival which allows a diffusion otherwise unthinkable. The accessibility to the audio archival sources allows for enlarging the number of scholars and students that can benefit from the collection for the research. It also allows general users to approach the cultural contents of the humanities.
The paper aims to describe the goals, the phases of realization of the project, the methodological problems due to the critical issues of the material supports, the descriptive analysis of the contents, and the opening of the database. The first part of the essay describes the history of the audio archive of the library. This archive covers an extensive period from 1974 to the new Millennium and is composed of the reels and compact audio cassette. The second part analyses the phases of work of the project, from the preliminary analysis of the support to the conversion and the digital reworking. The last part is dedicated to the method adopted in the compilation of metadata of the files and to the description of the structure of the database, as well as his research functions and the descriptive scheme of each audio.


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How to Cite

Palermo, E., & Marcon, C. (2023). Giving a new voice to sources. Communicate humanistic research for all: a digitization project of the audio collection of the Bruno Kessler Foundation’s Library. AIB Studi, 63(1), 173–189.