Women in 20th century’s publishing: sources and case studies (University of Milan, 8 March, 2023)





publishing, women and publishing, conference reports


The paper offers both a synthesis and a reflection on the topics addressed during the conference “Women in 20th century’s publishing: sources and case studies”, promoted by Apice Center and the Department of Historical Studies at the University of Milan. The conference aimed at enhancing a field of study that is still little explored, highlighting the challenges involved in the retrieval and use of sources and in the research methodologies applicable to the reconstruction of biographies and activities of female protagonists in 20th century publishing.
The day was divided into two sessions, “Sources of the self” and “A room all for one’s self? Case studies and digitization projects”, both encompassing a rich and intensive program that revisited and delved deeper into the themes of feminization in the publishing industry and the use of publishing as a lens into women’s work, at the same time providing important methodological guidelines to approach sources such as the archives of publishing houses and authors, as well as autobiographies.
What characterized the conference was the proposal of a complex and interdisciplinary path across history of gender, history of professions, and history of culture. Such path should present female authors, translators, editors, and publishers who show vibrant and multifaceted profiles, but whose narratives have often been obscured by their male counterparts. At the same time, attention should be given to the historical context, to pivotal moments, in the development of the publishing and cultural system at large, as well as to the treatment of sources, of which, in this circumstance, the complexity and criticality fully emerged.


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How to Cite

Cremascoli, A. (2023). Women in 20th century’s publishing: sources and case studies (University of Milan, 8 March, 2023). AIB Studi, 63(2), 393–399. https://doi.org/10.2426/aibstudi-13876


