There is great disinformation under heaven: the situation is not excellent, but on balance, it could be worse




Disinformation is a topic that is becoming more and more relevant. According to several influential voices, the risks related to this phenomenon are undermining the foundations of democratic societies. The current pervasiveness and relevance of the information sphere, based on digital networks, and the evidence presented seem to strongly support this thesis. Given the prominence of this topic, a systemic approach that takes into account various factors and is not limited to a critique of the technology used is necessary. In this essay, the current scenario is analyzed, starting with the definition of ‘Dark Ages 2.0’ and information disorders such as fake news and conspiracy theories. These factors are examined under the critical lenses of narrative and particularly postmodernist literature, in which, among many aspects, information theory is a key element. Based on this analysis, a synthesis is offered, with the aim of reconciling the technological component with sociocultural patterns, in order to foster a continuous and iterative process capable of enhancing, as much as possible, the functionality of the information ecosystem.


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Author Biography

Federico Meschini, Università degli studi della Tuscia

Ricercatore presso il Dipartimento di scienze umanistiche, della comunicazione e del turismo



How to Cite

Meschini, F. (2022). There is great disinformation under heaven: the situation is not excellent, but on balance, it could be worse. AIB Studi, 62(3), 503–517.



Themes and analyses