A network of academic libraries for the third mission? Enhancement, inclusion and new strategic opportunities


  • Cristina Baldi Università degli studi di Ferrara https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8024-4771
  • Anna Bernabè Associazione italiana biblioteche; Università degli studi di Ferrara https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6751-4979
  • Adriano Bertolini Associazione italiana biblioteche; Biblioteca Panizzi e decentrate, Reggio Emilia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0458-8556
  • Paola Iannucci Università degli studi di Ferrara
  • Marcella Rognoni Associazione italiana biblioteche; Università degli studi di Genova
  • Serafina Spinelli Associazione italiana biblioteche; Alma mater studiorum Università di Bologna
  • Milena Tancredi Associazione italiana biblioteche




academic libraries, enhancing, third mission


In recent years, Italian academic libraries have undertaken third mission activities linked to the enhancement of their heritage: library science scholars have already been studying this kind of initiatives, and today the Italian national agency for the evaluation of universities and research institutes (Anvur) considers such actions as a result of the institutional commitment of a university library. A workshop, organized by the Library System of the University of Ferrara together with the Italian library association during the Stelline congress 2022 (Milan, 11 march), analyzed the case study of the bibliotour Storie di libri e palazzi, set up by the University of Ferrara; the workshop also explored new strategic opportunities for the enhancement of academic libraries’ heritage, firstly the inclusion of all audiences, with specific reference to Goal 10 (“Reduce inequalities”) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. Furthermore, this perspective embraces potentially the entire corpus of recommendations provided by the Agenda. The paper is intended not only to report the main ideas that emerged during the workshop held in Milan but, starting from them, also to suggest building a network of academic libraries, in order to facilitate the communication of third mission initiatives and their public outreach. Therefore, full adherence to the inclusive dimension and the commitment to sustainable development are two new strategic opportunities for academic library activities related to heritage enhancement. AIB has been supporting both strategies for several years, by means of concrete actions, such as the “Maria A. Abenante” Award, as well as organizational structures, like the Observatory on library and sustainable development (Obiss).


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How to Cite

Baldi, C., Bernabè, A., Bertolini, A., Iannucci, P., Rognoni, M., Spinelli, S., & Tancredi, M. (2022). A network of academic libraries for the third mission? Enhancement, inclusion and new strategic opportunities. AIB Studi, 62(3), 639–652. https://doi.org/10.2426/aibstudi-13782