Historic library’s impact: a first survey on the Palatine Library of Parma





value, impact, historical libraries


Everyone considers historic and conservation libraries monumental places of great beauty and artistic significance. All know their prestige; however, how many people are aware of the importance and impact that such institutions have on the community? The libraries’ historical qualification might often suggest a static idea, such as an institution of the past. Few people have examined historical and conservation libraries’ role in the contemporary world on the scientific and territorial reference community.
Starting from this assumption, thanks to a new evaluating approach, the study investigates the impact of a historic institution, such as the Palatine Library of Parma, both through users’ and opinion leaders’ feedback.
The results show the complexity of this institute, thus it represents a place of memory, beauty, and invaluable patrimony, but at the same time, it is a laboratory of ideas, a meeting place, and cultural production space. The Palatine Library of Parma has deep roots in the local community because it represents the local cultural identity. In addition, it can positively influence the mood and emotional sphere, impacting well-being and view of the world, enhancing forging a more aware and active community as a whole.


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How to Cite

Palazzo, V. (2023). Historic library’s impact: a first survey on the Palatine Library of Parma. AIB Studi, 63(1), 97–117. https://doi.org/10.2426/aibstudi-13844



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