Fake news and post factual truth: are we really 'only' librarians?


  • Giorgio Antoniacomi Direttore della Biblioteca comunale di Trento




fake news, information literacy, post truth


The paper takes as its focal point falsehood as an issue in the post-factual truth society. After reaffirming that the concept of truth represents a fundamental element for the very survival of democracy, and having specified its meaning (too often misrepresented), the paper discusses the impact and ambivalence of the Web as a place of production and dissemination of counterfactual information, highlighting how the loss of credibility of traditional knowledge validation authorities has deeper and remote roots. It supports the need and the possibility of opposing a drift indifferent to truth, understood as continuous research and as a public debate based on evidence and questions and not as dogma. Finally, it highlights a role that is not only possible, but already more than glimpsed by public libraries in relation to a problem that cannot be ignored, touching their very raison d'être.


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How to Cite

Antoniacomi, G. (2020). Fake news and post factual truth: are we really ’only’ librarians?. AIB Studi, 59(1-2). https://doi.org/10.2426/aibstudi-11949



Notes and discussions