IFLA e-Lending Background Paper


  • Matilde Fontanin Università di Trieste
  • Stefano Gambari Istituzione Biblioteche di Roma




In the last couple of years the increased availability of e-books, tablet and e-readers on the market produced a corresponding increased availability of (and demand for) downloadable e-books in public libraries. The addition of downloadable e-books to library collections introduced a number of new technical, legal and strategic issues that are causing concern, confusion and frustration for all the stakeholders: libraries, library users, authors and publishers.
Therefore IFLA instituted a working group with the task of preparing a background paper on the issues relating to e-book availability in libraries, in order to assist the formulation of a policy on the matter.


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How to Cite

Fontanin, M., & Gambari, S. (2013). IFLA e-Lending Background Paper. AIB Studi, 52(3). https://doi.org/10.2426/aibstudi-8714